Feb 6 - 7, 2012

Washington DC

A national networking opportunity for individuals interested in fostering
opportunities for the Next Generation of Young Beginning Producers and
Agribusiness Professionals

Please send me more information


The association is focused on helping individuals reach their full potential. With the Washington experience, the association is working to partner with many other associations and organizations. The conference is designed to encourage individuals with an interest in the future of the industry to learn about issues and receive insight on “how to make a difference for the next generation.” It includes an Ag Decision Makers College (policy discussion) and a Young Ag Leaders Event (career training for agriculturalists ages 18-22). Join NYFEA in Washington.

Picture this: a national presence in Washington on the first Monday and Tuesday before Congress leaves for its annual Easter break. With young agriculturalists from collegiate backgrounds to active businessmen and women; this scene would represent all corners of the nation. Representative groups from every major commodity and policy entity would be included. Plus, individuals nominated and supported by industry would attend. All of them would converge on the nation’s capital for a day of connecting with the issues and the leaders that implement policy. The participants would be encouraged to share with members of Congress the overall message of agriculture and the need to support the “next generation.” They would remind elected officials and other policy influencers that agriculture represents the strength of America. Further, they would call on the leaders of Congress to “stand strong” for the overall business of food and fiber production.

Overview: From visits to the historically significant and inspirational monuments to discussions with key policy makers at both USDA and in Congress, former attendees have found this to be an extraordinary experience. All organizations with an emphasis group (council, committee, advisory board…) focusing on training and encouraging the next generation are invited to attend. The event is hosted at the Gaylord National in Washington D.C. and coordinated by NYFEA.

The program will focus on providing Advocacy for the Next Generation . It is a dedicated time for taking the message of the next generation to the Hill.


  • Identify and discuss challenges and opportunities facing the next generation
  • Begin a dialogue to address issues facing the next generation of producers and agribusiness professionals
  • Establish a national network to foster a continuing focus on next generation issues
  • Gain knowledge of national agricultural issues and how those issues are addressed in Washington


  • Ag Decision Makers Panel - A discussion of next generation issues conducted by a panel of governmental officials, business leaders and association executives
  • Young Ag Leaders Event (YALE) - Round table discussion to identify five issues facing the next generation
  • Keynote address by senior USDA official
  • Major focus session - “What is the Next Generation Facing?” - A group of young and beginning producers and agribusiness professional will moderate to address the five issues identified at the YALE session as well as other topics.
  • Briefing by Congressional Members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees
  • Reception on the Hill for Members of Congress and staff and other key agriculture leaders


Each collaborating organization and interested individuals will have the opportunity to bring people to the Agriculture’s Promise event. Eligible participants are those with an interest in assisting the next generation of agriculture as it seeks to gain the momentum needed to be successful.


A base registration fee of $210 per participant will be charged to offset meeting rooms, A/V, shuttles , printed materials, two meals, etc.
Gaylord National is again providing accomodations. Hotel reservations are not included in the registration fee and are handled separately through Gaylord National. The room rate is $180 per night plus tax and resort fee. Our contract states $180 is for single/double occupancy. Triple/quad will be billed at an additional $20 per person per night. You can contact the Gaylord National at 301-965-2000 and give them this code: X-NYF12. Deadline is January 13, 2012. You may call the NYFEA office at 334-213-3276 if you have questions or problems regarding your reservation.